24 November 2024
Kings Park Athletics Stadium
Kings Park Drive Bournemouth BH7 7AF
In Touch Food Collection
This year we are once again organising a food collection for In Touch, one of our chosen local charities. In Touch have let us know which items they need the most. There will be food donation bins in the stadium at the event. Please do bring along one of the following on race day to show your support for this amazing local charity, who work tirelessly to help the homeless and those in need in Bournemouth.
Easy cook rice
Baked Beans
Instant Coffee
Bottles of squash
Shower gel/Shampoo/Roll on Deodorant
Cartons of Custard
Tomato/Brown Sauce
Any clean race T-shirts that are no longer required

Thank you for entering this year's race. We hope that you will have an enjoyable run!
Please take the time to familiarise yourself with the key information below to ensure that the event runs smoothly & safely and everyone has a great time:
Race numbers You will collect your race number at the stadium. Please make your way to the 10K admin desk which will be situated down stairs in the stadium & is open from 8.30am. Follow the signage, The race is chip timed and your race number incorporates the timing chip. Please ensure your emergency contact details and any current medication or medical conditions are completed on the reverse of the race number. There will be pens and pins at the number pickup.
Bag Drop There will be a bag drop in the stadium at this year’s event. You can leave your bag here at your own risk. Please do not leave valuables in your bag. Bournemouth Joggers do not accept responsibility for any bags left at the drop. Labels for your baggage will be available if required.
Water Station We encourage all runners where possible to carry their own water. A water station is available at around 7km if required & at the finish.
Getting There There is ample parking in the large Pay & Display car park close to the stadium. The closest main line railway station is Pokesdown which is a 15-minute walk from the stadium.
Race number transfers Race number transfers are available online until Friday 22nd November 2024. Click the enter race button and then click on manage entry. There will be no 10K entries or number transfers after this date or on the day of the race.
Headphones The use of on/in-ear headphones is strictly prohibited. Bone conduction headphones are accepted at the race directors discretion. Runners identified by a marshal as using on/in-ear headphones on the course will be disqualified and their result will be removed from the results.
Race Day information to runners will be provided over a PA System and there will be a short briefing for runners on the track 5 minutes before the start of the race. For your safety, please listen carefully to the race briefing as we will be giving important information regarding the course condition and any hazards which you should be aware of.
Medical cover will be on hand in the stadium and out on the course.
The Course The multi-terrain course will be fully marshalled and will include a water station between 6K & 7K and at the finish. The route is clearly marked with route arrows, tape and caution runner boards. Due to the nature of the terrain please take care over uneven ground. There will be no police presence around the course. The course is not suitable for buggies and wheelchair users. For everyone's safety please heed the advice of the marshals on the course and use the pavements where available.
Spectators We welcome supporters to cheer you and other runners along,
Facilities Toilet facilities are available in the stadium.
Refreshments There will be a refreshment van on site and will be open from 9am for light refreshments and hot and cold drinks. There is a free drinking water refill inside the stadium, so please bring along your own bottle to help us cut down on single use plastic at the event.
Prizes There will be a medal for each 10K finisher and prizes for individual age categories and first male and female teams. In the event that the first male and/or female also qualifies for a veteran prize, that position will be acknowledged but the award will be made to the second veteran in that category. The prize giving will be held as soon as possible after the end of the race once the winners in each category have been established.
Kids Fun Run The 1.5K kids fun run will take place before the main event at 9:30am. There are no entries on the day. Entries are available on line until Sunday 19th November or until the event is full. Race numbers should be collected from the Race HQ in the stadium on the day of the event. The children’s race will be fully marshalled, with the course entirely within the grounds of Kings Park. There are prizes for the first boy and girl under 10 and under 15 and all finishers receive a race medal. Children aged 7 years and under must be accompanied by an adult.
Event Photos Race day photos will be taken by Charles Whitton Photography and will be available after the event on the following link https://www.charleswhittonphotography.com
Under no circumstances swap your number or give your place to another participant, except through our official number transfer process.
Our race is kindly supported by
Alexandra Sports & Southbourne Park Garage
Photographs will be taken by Charles Whitton Photography
Chip Timing provided by Race Sign Up

Race in support of

The race is held under UK Athletics Rules, UKA Race Licence no: #28128
Course Measurement Certificate of Accuracy 23/256